"For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways." 

Isaiah 55:8

Since the day I really understood that I was disabled, I've always hated the word. What came to my mind when hearing disabled were things like being weak and that things were impossible and hard to accomplish. I knew that wasn't me. I knew how to tie my shoes on my own, fix my hair on my own, do gymnastics, play t-ball and other sports, pretty much do anything. The difference was just that I had to figure out a different way; take a look at a different angle to accomplish the task. I had to look at something a little longer and actually think about a different route to take. Sure, it might take me longer than "normal", but I still get the job done. So why did a single word get to me so easily?

Until recently, I never wanted to embrace the fact that I am disabled. It was because I was still looking at the word in the wrong way. I needed to start looking at disabled in the same way I've looked at everything else in my life; at a different angle. You may have noticed by now, how I've started looking at the word disabled. I've chosen to put the focus on the fact that the word disabled still says abled; just like anyone who is disabled, is still very abled. 

I've started designing and making my own t-shirts and I wanted one that reflected how I felt about myself and decided to bring this different angle to life on a t-shirt. It's fitting for me in multiple ways as I have lived my whole life figuring things out and doing them my own way. For anyone who might see me making my t-shirts, they'll probably want to jump in and help because it's not super easy, but as always, I figure it out and get the shirts done in my own way. 

My hope for anyone reading this, is that if you're struggling trying to make sense of something, try looking at whatever it may be, at a different angle.


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