So... You tell me. What does it mean to have a Limb Difference?

Different... Or the same?

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After reading this blog thread, I hope I've helped you learn more about Limb Difference. What it means, what it's like to live with it, what people with disabilities go through on a daily basis, and hopefully I've showed you how "normal" someone with a Limb Difference really is.

Sure, on the outside, someone with a Limb Difference is going to look different than someone with all of their limbs but is that different than comparing someone with red hair to someone with brown hair? We're all different and unique. Some things just make people a little extra unique. At the end of the day though, we're all the same. We went through the day working, or learning, or creating, maybe even struggling, but we all made it through the day accomplishing something. Everyday we see hundreds of faces, just moving through life, succeeding, pushing through, loving, laughing, just living. When we see those faces, we maybe share a smile as we pass by, maybe we don't even see anything but that smile but we know they're "doing their thing" and we're doing ours. Maybe that smile has a missing arm, maybe they are "normal", but does it matter? Does it matter that that smile is or isn't normal? I don't think it does.

We're all the same. We can all tie our shoes and zip our coats up, it doesn't really matter how we do it, it matters that we accomplish the task. I was an athlete. I worked my butt off, I gave 110%, I lost, and I won, just like any "normal" athlete. To me it's not about my disability, it's about the kind of person I am, the kind of athlete I was. It's not about striving to be "normal", it's about striving to be the best you that you can be and not stopping until you get there. 
Image result for we're all made the same disability quotes


  1. What an amazing subject! You got my attention with your first picture. "The only disability in life is a bad attitude." Amazing title and a great start!


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